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Visitors 24
Modified 13-May-24
Created 21-Apr-12
19 photos

North Smithfield, RI - A passerby stopped by NSFD Station 1 to report a rapidly extending brush fire in the rear of 294 St. Paul Street that was threatening two structures. Engine 1, 2, Tanker 1, Car 2 along with engines from Blackstone and Woonsocket responded to the scene. NSFD Engine 1 arrived to find the fire closing in on two dwellings and a large garage. A quick attack from Lt. Laforge and FF Provost knocked the bulk of the fire down near the structures. NSFD Engine 2 took the right flank of the fire and stopped it's spread while Woonsocket and Blackstone took care of the left flank. Companies were on scene for a few hours wetting down and mopping up.

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